Published May 8, 2020
The Bounty: Former Hoosiers involved in NBA2K tournament
Alec Lasley  •  TheHoosier
Senior Writer

The Gaming Stadium is the newest group to put on a 'sporting event' as they present 'The Bounty', which is an online NBA2K tournament allowing participants to compete alongside and against college and NBA players. Former Indiana basketball players Jordan Hulls, Derek Elston, Will Sheehey, Christian Watford, James Blackmon Jr. and Jonny Marlin are among the Hoosiers involved.


In a time when sports are at a standstill, current and former players are trying everything they can do to bring some sort of 'live sports' to people's homes. The Bounty is the newest online gaming tournament that will not only allow people to watch and participate in an NBA2K tournament, but will also look to benefit the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to the Hoosiers involved, each 'Pro' will have a $250 bounty on their head and if non-pros are lucky enough to beat them, they win half of the money while the other half goes to COVID-19 relief fund.

There will be four single elimination brackets, each featuring at least one 'Pro' player. The winner of each bracket moves to the Top Four Championship bracket where they compete for a $500 prize.

Altogether there is a chance to win $1000, $500 for both Xbox and PS4, for just a $5 entry fee. Because the Indiana family is involved and Will Sheehey was the main force behind the setup of the tournament, you can help the COVID-19 relief efforts using the "Jordan Hulls" code when signing up.

For anyone looking at potential sponsorship opportunities, they can contact Jordan Hulls via social media, @JordanHulls1, for details.

The tournament begins May 23 at 11:00 am EST.


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