Published Sep 29, 2022
Opposing View: Nebraska Coaches Discuss Indiana
Alec Lasley  •  TheHoosier
Senior Writer
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Nebraska interim head coach Mickey Joseph and assistants discuss the matchup with Indiana this week.

Above is the full Q&A.

Below are some key quotes from Joseph this week following his first game as interim head coach.

On his first night game as head coach: “No, it doesn't feel different. At the end of the day, football is a football game. I'm not trying to be disrespectful. But night or morning, we have to play football, and everything's special. It's always special to me when I can walk into Memorial Stadium. It's always special – night, morning, afternoon. But it's homecoming, it’s a night game. Like I said, we're going to be excited to get back in front of fans.”

On the most difficult part of taking over as head coach: “Just learning. Just learning everything and kind of taking everything in, it's a lot. It's a lot to do. I don't really enjoy this. I really don't, to tell you the truth. I'm not the type of dude that wants to be in front of the cameras all the time, but that’s what the job brings. So I have to do it, but I have to depend on my guys – Keith and everybody, and Matt to help me with this. I'm always open, and the people that helped me the most are the players because they bought in and there was no resistance. They bought into what we're trying to do. But it wasn't easy. It's not easy.”

On how to counter Indiana’s offensive pace: “My thing is we have to get the calls in. Bill (Busch) has to get the calls in and we have to execute the call.”

On what’s he doing to prepare the team for this weekend’s tempo: “Working with the scout team, lining up quick, having the guys recognize the formation and snapping quick. Then let’s go and let’s play football.”


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