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Published Jan 9, 2022
Point guards Rob Phinisee and Xavier Johnson shine in win over Minnesota
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Matthew Byrne  •  TheHoosier
Staff Writer

For the first time this season, Indiana point guards Rob Phinisee and Xavier Johnson scored double figures in the same game during the team’s 73-60 win over Minnesota on Sunday afternoon.

Johnson led the team with 14 points shooting 4-of-10 from the field, and had five assists. Notably, it's the fourth consecutive game where he has committed only one turnover.

Phinisee similarly shot 4-of-10 from the field but was a much more lethal threat from deep. In the three games previous to today, Phinisee made three 3-pointers in total. The senior quickly scored against Minnesota, making four 3-pointers by halftime.

"Coach (Mike Woodson) just builds our confidence [and] tells us to shoot it whenever we're open, so I made shots this game," Phinisee said after the game.

Minnesota packed the paint in the first half and stopped IU forwards Trayce Jackson-Davis and Race Thompson, holding the pair to six points. However, it left shooters on the perimeter wide-open looks, and players like Phinisee took advantage.

"Minnesota forced our hands in terms of shooting threes," Woodson said after the game. "The way they sagged, they were just basically saying Trayce and Race are not going to beat us. When they do that, our perimeter guys got to be ready to step up and make shots."

Phinisee and Johnson answered Woodson's call, combining for 22 points, zero turnovers, and six made 3-pointers on 11 attempts (54%) in the first half.

“Really I felt like just coming off the bench, I saw how they were guarding X, so I mean, usually that's how teams usually guard us the same a little bit,” Phinisee said. “When I came in, I really just was shot ready, and I knocked down the shots.”

It looked like this type of play would continue in the second half, but Minnesota made adjustments for perimeter shooting. The two point guards missed three 3-point attempts in the second half combined.

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